Please keep in mind
My services do not focus on "Animal Communication." and I’m not using “Reiki” Instead, I bring patients into an "energetic surgery room" where I use laser-focused protocols that target specific physical and emotional issues so I guess you could refer to me as a Witch Doctor. Over many years, I have undergone extensive training in hospitals and veterinary clinics and worked with cancer experts. My techniques are unique due to training, ancestral knowledge, and over 10,000 patients. If you are seeking a communicator to help with a lost or deceased animal companion, please reach out, and I can refer you to some of my favorites.
The most common reasons I’m contacted to work with companion animals.
When they don't feel well, the foundations of their energetic body crumble and require rebuilding. When they have a strong foundation in their body, they have more energy, and their brain and body begin to work together to accelerate healing.
Sometimes, we're helping them heal entirely and giving them a new lease on life, and sometimes, we're just making sure they're comfortable for the rest of the time they're here with us.
Here's a short list of specific issues they might have where I can help.
⚕️ Disease (Cancer, renal failure, hypothyroidism, diabetes)⚕️ Autoimmune (Cushing Syndrome, skin issues, etc.)
⚕️ Pre/post-treatment, such as chemo
Have an animal who has an injury? Injuries happen all the time! Dogs end up with spine and back issues just playing at the dog park, and cats can injure themselves by jumping. Most of the time, I can help them avoid surgery and get their body to heal quickly. I can help them recover more rapidly if they've already had surgery.
Bulging discs and spine issues are scary because they can drastically change a patient's life. When this happens, your veterinarian will want to operate. While sometimes that is unavoidable, I have yet to work with a patient who needs surgery after a few sessions. If you can avoid surgery, you want to, but if you cannot, then setting them up to heal quickly will be a game-changer for them.
⚕️ Bulging discs and spine issues
⚕️ Torn ACL
⚕️ Sports Injuries and accidents
⚕️ Pre/post-operation
My favorite recovery story involves a Weimaraner dog, Teke, who lay on the floor paralyzed for three months. After just two sessions, I had him up and walking for the first time in over 90 days! -
As our animals age, new issues pop up. This is when their quality of life is everything. As our beloved animal companions age, we want them happy, feeling good enough to play or move, and just generally feeling good in their bodies! I can help manage their pain so they can age gracefully.
⚕️ Arthritis
⚕️ Newly developed anxieties
⚕️ Issues sleeping
⚕️ Weakened immune system
Saying goodbye is the worst, and when they are getting ready to let go, it is hard for them to eat, drink, move, or even empty their bowels. I can offer pain relief while they're going through this transition, which is very comforting for the family through this painful experience. When someone enters hospice, it's not about 'curing'; the goal is to bring comfort.
⚕️ Pain Relief
⚕️ Relaxation
⚕️ Stimulating the appetite
⚕️ Helping them sleep
⚕️ Bringing comfort to the whole family
Whether it's Separation Anxiety or your animal companion experienced something extraordinarily traumatizing, and now they have PTSD/trauma. I can help bring them relief.
Puppy mill rescue
Dogfighting rescue
Trauma from previous neglect/abuse
Loss of a human
Loss of an animal sibling
Vet appointments
Agility training and competitions
The most common reasons I’m contacted to work with humans.
Are you ill with a severe disease or chronic health issues? My services will accelerate healing, whether or not you're already working with a medical professional.
When we don't feel well, the foundations of our energetic body crumble and require rebuilding. When we have a strong foundation in our body, we have more energy, and our brain and body begin to work together to accelerate healing.
Here's a short list of specific issues you might be experiencing that I can help you with.⚕️ Disease (Cancer, renal failure, hypothyroidism, diabetes)
⚕️ Autoimmune (Cushing Syndrome, skin issues, etc.)
⚕️ Pre/post-treatment, such as chemo
Have an animal who has an injury? Injuries happen all the time! Dogs end up with spine and back issues just playing at the dog park, and cats can injure themselves by jumping. Most of the time, I can help them avoid surgery and get their body to heal quickly. I can help them recover more rapidly if they've already had surgery.
Bulging discs and spine issues are scary because they can drastically change a patient's life. When this happens, your veterinarian will want to operate. While sometimes that is unavoidable, I have yet to work with a patient who needs surgery after a few sessions. If you can avoid surgery, you want to, but if you cannot, then setting them up to heal quickly will be a game-changer for them.
⚕️ Bulging discs and spine issues
⚕️ Sports Injuries and accidents
⚕️ Pre/post-operation
As we age, so does our body! Perimenopause/menopause, achy joints, arthritis, etc. If you've been on medication, your liver and kidneys often need extra attention. Bringing energetic love to all of your organs, including your heart, can help bring a nice boost of energy to the body to keep you feeling great in your body.
Here’s a short list of why most humans contact me to help with their aging body.
⚕️ Heart Disease⚕️ Liver and Kidneys
⚕️ Arthritis
⚕️ Weakened immune system
⚕️ Newly developed anxieties
⚕️ Issues sleeping
The only promise this world makes is that no one gets to stay.
When we or someone we love is getting ready to let go, it is hard for them to eat, drink, move, or even empty their bowels. I can offer pain relief while you or someone you love is going through this transition, which is very comforting through this painful experience. When someone enters hospice, it's not about 'curing'; the goal is to bring comfort.
⚕️ Pain Relief
⚕️ Relaxation
⚕️ Stimulating the appetite
⚕️ Helping with sleep
⚕️ Bringing comfort to the whole family
When we are stressed or dealing with trauma and grief, our energy can unravel, not giving us an energetic leg to stand on. Repairing the foundations of your body will not cure the situation, but it can keep you grounded in your body and give you a calm space with more energy to help you navigate these difficult situations.
Hormonal changes
Big life changes
Death and loss
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