Broken Hearted will help comfort you while navigating life without your FURiend by reflecting on special moments, honoring the importance of their life, and your profoundly sacred relationship. It will also help you connect with the supportive people in your life as you navigate this world with a broken heart.
Draw one card daily or when you want to feel a connection. If the card you draw isn't resonating, draw a different card. There is no wrong way to process grief through the oracle cards. Use as much as needed and for as long as you want. Love never expires.
Within the deck, there are 6 Categories, 2 wild cards and 4 affirmation cards:
Reflect: This category offers suggestions to help you remember the moments you shared, spotlight things about your relationship that made it unique, inspiring, and wonderful, and, with gratitude, recognize how it changed your life.
Invitation: The cards in this category offer ways you can honor and celebrate your beloved, connect you to the people who love you, and honor the loss and grief you're experiencing.
Communicate: Communication can be challenging when grieving, but it's important to express ourselves to our loved ones, others, and ourselves. The prompts in this category help guide us in doing so.
Feel: Use these suggestions to connect with your body and emotions. If we can feel it, we can heal it. And the more deeply we allow ourselves to feel our feelings, the easier it becomes to move through them.
Self-care: We can forget to care for ourselves when our hearts have fallen to pieces. Sometimes, we need reminders of how to support our body and soul during significant loss. If you draw a self-care card, try to make it a big part of your focus for the day.
Spirit: These are messages from your guides who are watching over you and want to remind you that you are being held in divine love. You and your beloved are intertwined in a divine web of connection to the rest of the universe.
Wild Cards: Dealer's choice. What do you need to bring comfort to your body, soul, and mind? How can you reach the wild spaces in your heart that are waiting to be discovered? Trust that your higher self knows. And if you're too numb when you draw this card to hear what you need, ask someone you trust to help you or draw another card.
Affirmations: Allow these cards to remind you how great you are and how big your love is. You can keep them in the deck to draw, or you can place a card on your altar, carry one in your wallet, place one under your pillow, or store them in your pocket as reminders.
Using a guided journal can make writing out feelings and memories much easier. By providing prompts, a guided journal helps organize thoughts and encourages self-expression. It can be particularly helpful for those who struggle to articulate their emotions. The guided nature of the journal can also lead to deeper reflection and introspection, allowing for a more meaningful way to record your memories and the life you shared with the furry best friend you shared your life with.
It acknowledges the significance of the connection with your best FURiend and encourages you to remember the special moments you shared together. In addition, it will help connect you to supportive individuals as you cope with your loss. The set also contains a journal with thought-provoking prompts to help you cherish the memories and life lessons you learned from your FURiend.
Because holding space for grief is something very few in the Western world were taught to do, it can be rare to find people in our society who can support us through these devastating moments when our hearts have shattered into a million pieces. And it can be even more difficult for people to understand the grief we carry when it comes to our beloved furry best friends, not understanding that our intensely close and intimate relationships with our cats, dogs, horses, bunnies, or other companion animals can often give a more significant blow than other losses.
And sometimes, with almost no one to turn to or afraid we will share our pain with the wrong person, it can cause grieving PAWrents to isolate. This is why it is imperative to learn how to hold space for our own grief, and in this sacred space, we will create safety for someone else to do the same.
Not only does the Broken Hearted oracle deck and journal guide grieving PAWrents to move through all the emotions of grief, but it also encourages the broken-hearted to call in their community to be a part of the process with prompts that feel safe and will promote healing and support. By reaching out to others who understand and care, grieving PAWrents can find comfort and strength in coming together during such a challenging time.
I hope that one day. -very soon- the relationships between humans and our beloved furry best FURiends can be treated with the same respect and dignity in its loss as our human-to-human relationships are.
I'm thrilled to share that these cards that in size are 2.75'' x 4.75'' and are made from herbaceous plants such as grass and other leafy parts. This means no trees are being destroyed to produce them, which is a big deal for me as an environmentalist. I'm constantly trying to minimize my impact on our planet, especially given the global environmental challenges we face. Printing from recycled leaves and grass without compromising on quality is truly remarkable, and I hope more people will consider doing the same with their decks.